Adelaide, South Australia
Mentoring & Volunteering.
Advisory & Mentoring Roles
2023 | Supervision Psychology Honours Research Project
Project: Academic attitudes towards ChatGPT
2023 | Co-Supervision Psychology Honours Research Project
Project: Attitudes towards using artificial intelligence chatbots for psychotherapy
2022 - 2023 | Supervision Summer Vacation Research Internship
Project: Content analysis of Successful Ageing at Work data
2020 | Co-Supervision Psychology Honours Research Project
Thesis: Game Over: Relationships between the Dark Triad, Violent Videogame Play, and Malevolent Creativity
2020 | Co-Supervision Psychology Honours Research Project
Thesis: Primed for the Crime: Examining the Relationship between Personality, Malevolent Creativity, and Environmental Priming
2020 | Research Experience Student Placement Supervisor
Project: PRISMA Scoping Review of the Value of Creativity
2019 | Advisor Masters of Engineering Management Research Project
Thesis: Training to Improve Frontline Worker Efficiency: A Feasibility Study in Quality Management for Indian Automobile Industry
2018 | Recruited, remunerated, and trained two psychology undergraduates as inter-raters for doctoral research project.
Community Engagement & Volunteering
2022 - 2023 | Animal Care Attendant
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) South Australia
2020 - Now | Ageing Workforce and Education Special Interest Group (AWESIG)
Australian Association of Gerontology
Topics: Research on a history of early retirement in Australian higher education
2020 | PsySTEMIC Research Cohort
Webinar and Seminar Facilitator and Presenter
Topics: Exploratory Mixed-Methods, Social Media, Abstracts & Titles, Inter-rater Agreement
2020 | Australian Academy of Science
Conference Workshop Scribe - Invited
2019 - Now | STEM Girls - UniSA Connect
Round Table Guest and Mentor - Invited
2018 - 2019 | Women In STEM Club - University of South Australia
Executive Committee Member - Nominated
Role: Public Relations Manager
Engaging both students and the public, project management, event planning and facilitation, social media platform management.
2016 | E-Pal - University of South Australia
Role: Mentor
Providing new students with advice, support, resources and opportunities.
2012 - 2013 | Adelaide City Council
Role: iPad Buddy
Routinely visiting older community members in their homes to educate use of iPads to access online libraries, cognitive games, email, and video communications.