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Awards & Scholarships.


2019 | Gold Open Access Prize - Taylor & Francis Group

Awarded gold open access for peer-reviewed manuscript published for 'High Quality and Relevance'

Issuer: Engineers Australia and World Engineering Convention

2018 | Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS) Mentee

Sponsored participation in a mentee-mentor program for IMNIS Energy & Minerals SA.

Issuer: IMNIS sponsored by University of South Australia

2018 | Gary Andrews Student Prize

Awarded for best student presentation at the South Australian Gerontology Association 2018 Conference

Cash Prize and 12 Months Membership AAG

Issuer: Australian Association of Gerontology

2018 | Third Place 3MT Poster Competition

Awarded third place in the divisional competition in Three Minute Thesis challenge. 

Cash prize

Issuer: University of South Australia

2015 & 2016 | University Merit Award

Received academic honours for outstanding academic achievement across all courses ranked within top 15% of students university-wide

2015 | People's Choice Nomination Images of Research X 2

1. Portrait of an EEG

2. The Cluster

Scholarships & Grants

2021 | University of South Australia

Awarded by the Justice and Society unit to support my supervision of a research assistant to aid in publication of a completed manuscript.

Value: ~$2,500 AUD

2021 | Undisclosed Industry Partner

Awarded project funds in collaboration with the Australian-French Submarine deal - funding retracted due to the collapsed contract between nations.

Value: ~$1million AUD

2017 | Commonwealth Scholarship for South Australia

Awarded by the Australian Federal Government Department of Education and Training on a competitive basis to students whose study and research is in line with the state's key priorities and priority industries

Value: $17,500 AUD

2017 | Research Training Program Domestic Stipend

Awarded by individual universities on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training on a competitive basis to those with exceptional research promise to undertake a higher degree by research. 

Value: ~$110,000 AUD

2017 | Research Training Program Domestic Tuition Offset

Awarded by individual universities on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training on a competitive basis to those with exceptional research promise to undertake a higher degree by research. 

Value: ~$105,000 AUD

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